Is CMA worth the time, effort and money spent?? What’s the value?
Written By Avijit Goswami on May 23rd, 2019
Here are 5 good reasons to go ahead. 1. Gold-Standard in Management Accounting CMA is a much-respected designation in the corporate accounting world. CMA is an advanced professional certification specifically designed to measure the critical accounting and financial management skills. 2. Globally Accepted Management Accounting Certification CMA is the most popular management accounting certification worldwide. … Continue reading “Is CMA worth the time, effort and money spent?? What’s the value?”
Category: Accounting & Auditing, CMA,

Are you looking forward to know close to today’s new trends in Finance?
Written By Avijit Goswami on April 25th, 2019
Firstly, we need to interpret what the finance is: The management of money or cashis called as Finance.This is practiced to build wealth or assets.In other terms, Finance is reported in two different tasks, such as- The analysis of how money is managed The exact procedure of receiving required capitals or funds This consists of … Continue reading “Are you looking forward to know close to today’s new trends in Finance?”

Difference between CMA, CPA and CIA Courses in Accounting and Auditing
Written By Avijit Goswami on April 16th, 2019
What is Course CMA? CMA is one of the highest levels of certification course in Management Accounting. This certification course is awarded by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) USA, which is recognized worldwide. The abbreviation, of course, CMA is Certified Management Accountant. The CMA USA examination is completely computerized. This certification exam can be … Continue reading “Difference between CMA, CPA and CIA Courses in Accounting and Auditing”
Category: Accounting & Auditing, CIA, CMA, CPA,

5 reasons why Accounting and Auditing is important in today’s business?
Written By Avijit Goswami on February 7th, 2019
Importance of Accounting in today’s business For recording Financial Transactions in a business, accounting is most important. The financial stability of any business cannot be stated without accounting. Accounting plays a vital and crucial role in preparing accurate financial statements. The basic purpose of accounting is to provide help and assistance to stakeholders and to … Continue reading “5 reasons why Accounting and Auditing is important in today’s business?”
Category: ACCA, Accounting & Auditing, CIA,

How to get rid of Stress at work- (not just manage it)
Written By Avijit Goswami on January 7th, 2019
In 2009 a shocking news was Ranjan Das, CEO & MD of SAP India died suddenly after coming back from his gym routine. Ranjan was a health freak. He ate right, jogged and worked out daily. He had no bad habits like drinking or smoking. He was very ambitious, and always believed that four hours … Continue reading “How to get rid of Stress at work- (not just manage it)”
Category: Career Development, CFE, CISA, CISM, CISSP,
Tags: Lifestyle, Professional Life, Stress Management, Stress Relief

Career opportunities after CPA
Written By Avijit Goswami on January 7th, 2019
About CPA Employers often search for accountants with specific certifications and pay more to accountants who hold them.CPA is a high end accounting professional course. The full abbreviation is Certified Public Accountant. The CPA designation is granted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. CPA designation is a certification of expertise in the field … Continue reading “Career opportunities after CPA”
Category: Accounting & Auditing, CPA,

5 reasons why Finance is important in today’s business?
Written By Avijit Goswami on January 7th, 2019
What is meant by Finance? The large amount of managing money or cash, basically by huge private and government entities or organization is said to be Finance. It confines with the study and creation of such as – Money matters. Banking system. Credit system. Investments system. Assets and Liabilities. This combination of all together that … Continue reading “5 reasons why Finance is important in today’s business?”

Written By Avijit Goswami on January 7th, 2019
THE CPA DESIGNATION CPA (Certified Public Accountant) is the highest accounting credential in the United States. The CPA examinations are conducted by the AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) which is the world’s largest accounting body. AICPA offers membership to all candidates who successfully clear the CPA exams.The CPA license is issued by one of the … Continue reading “THE CPA DESIGNATION”
Category: Accounting & Auditing, CPA,