Why CMA is Important for working professionals in the UAE?
Written By Akash Bulani on February 27th, 2023
What is Management Accounting and Why CMA? Management Accounting refers to the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of financial statements, departmental reports, insights, etc for internal use in an organization to help make key business decisions and meet its goals and objectives. They aim at improving the efficiency and productivity of a company by looking at … Continue reading “Why CMA is Important for working professionals in the UAE?”
Category: Accounting & Auditing, CMA,
Tags: CMA Career, CMA Certification, CMA Course, CMA Oppurtunities

CMAs role in an Organization as a CFO
Written By Shyam Sarrof on January 7th, 2019
The CMAs (Cost Accountants/Certified Management Accountants) play a major role in any organization. The course content for CMA qualification along with practical experience ideally equips a CMA to successfully play the role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in an Organization. Fact is that the CFO’s are responsible for too many things in an organization. … Continue reading “CMAs role in an Organization as a CFO”
Category: Accounting & Auditing, CMA,
Tags: CMA Career, CMA Certification, CMA Course, CMA in Dubai, CMA Oppurtunities